Member-only story
To You, a New Writer on Medium
Encouragement, tips and insight for your first few months of writing
I landed on Medium when I wasn’t looking. I had been blogging and learned about Medium through a podcast I was listening to on Social Examiner.
I started reading interesting articles on various topics (mainly health, personal growth, and society), and commenting on articles. Then one day, the thought hit me, hey, I sound like and can relate to the experiences of some of these writers’ lives.
And I enjoy writing. So I boldly wrote and published my first article, and then my second article.
And waited to see what happened. A few readers at first. And I had to figure out how to upload a photo (easier than I thought — no need to resize most photos).
Then I discovered through the Medium Partner Program, that I could get compensated for my efforts.
Organic Growth
About a month after publishing, I had my first article picked up by a publication, The Startup (Medium’s largest publication). Then a second and a third article. I wasn’t trying to, and didn’t even know what curation in Medium meant until someone from The Startup sent me a note.
On the Medium platform, I got a little green dot in the bell icon, which meant I was getting a notification. It’s…