How Taking Risks Pays Off For Better Influence and Outcomes

Key takeaways for innovation, risk-taking evaluation and decision making

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
8 min readJul 20, 2020
How Taking Risks Pays Off For Better Influence and Outcomes
Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

If you do nothing, you initially lose nothing and gain nothing.

If you do something (or change something), you could lose what you have or gain something.

If you do something else, you lose what you have and gain something else.

If you take a risk, you have the opportunity to win at the second and third scenarios.

If you’re naturally risk averse, seeking stability over potential gains (or flops), then you may choose the first scenario and may end up losing all anyway.

More on this safe point below in a business case scenario.

There’s No Such Thing As Safe, There’s Always Risk

Playing it safe isn’t all that safe. Because you could actually lose what you have without making any decisions or taking any proactive steps.

If you’re at a job, you’re not guaranteed work tomorrow even if you’ve been at your work for decades. If you’re in a relationship, your partner could wake up one day with new insight for a new life that doesn’t include you, that could be a blessing in disguise.



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉

Written by La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉

My latest published articles are found at: -Love Over Ego For Extraordinary Life -Mind the Gap For Happiness -How to Be Humble…

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