40 Ideas on How to Be Kind in the World
Love on #HappyWorldKindnessDay
A woman once said to a man, “Did you open the door for me because I’m a woman?” The man answered, “No, I opened it because I’m a gentleman.”
What has happened with our society? A kind gesture, can be met with a cold, chip on the shoulder response. But, thankfully not in all cases. Chivalry is not dead. Courtesy still exists. There’s hope. With love.
The Hard Rock Café says it well with the following brand motto: Love All — Serve All, All Is One, Save The Planet, & Take Time To Be Kind
In essence, love and respect people. And take care of things.
This all shows up as kindness.
Morals and kindness often go hand in hand as there is consideration for what is right. And what is right is often kind. Being kind is considerate, and being humble and thoughtful of other humans. It’s making yourself good, even if it’s just for a brief moment or a gesture.
Here are some ideas on how to do something out of the ordinary for someone else.
How to Be Kind for a Week (and a lifetime)
1.Smile at everyone you see. Sometimes people in customer service give good service but they are missing a smile. A smile shows acknowledgement of another human being.
2.Say “hi” to everyone. You can say you speak many languages just by greeting people in different languages.
3.Buy a cup of coffee or tea for someone you know (co-worker, neighbor, employer, etc.)
4.Buy a cup of coffee or tea for someone you don’t know (a stranger).
5.Go through a drive thru window and pay for the person behind you. It usually shocks the receiver in a good way.
6.Give a gift card to a store cashier. Most everyone is hurting in some way so who you choose to give it to, probably will be able to use it or give it to someone who they know can.
7.Give a paper bill tip in the tip jar.
8.Say “thank you” you to everyone you encounter.
9.Say “please” after every request you make.
10.Take your grocery cart back to the grocery store.
11.Take someone else’s grocery cart back to the grocery store.
12.Pick up a piece of trash and put it in the trash can.
13.Let the car next to you pull out before you.
14.Let the person walking next to you, walk and cross in front of you.
15.Let someone get in line before you. If you already do this, let several people in front of you.
16.Open the door for a stranger. If you already do this, wait and hold the door for several people.
17.Write a thank you card to someone.
18.Reach out, text and encourage someone you haven’t talked to in the past 6 months.
19.Put the phone earbuds down in line and be aware of your surroundings.
20.Help someone who looks lost.
21.Pick up something that a stranger drops and hand it to them.
22.Help a stranger put on their coat.
23.Add a candy jar to your desk. This can encourage friendly conversations.
24.Post a kindness quote on your social media page… “Kindness is free. Sprinkle that stuff everywhere.”
25.Patiently wait and open the door for a physically challenged person.
26.Offer a piece of kind-hearted advice to a stranger.
27.Offer a piece of kind-hearted advice to a friend.
28.Say something nice about someone you know, to someone that you don’t know well.
29.Give credit to someone else.
30.Admit you’re wrong.
31.Forgive someone for an offense they made to you.
32.Excuse an unfriendly person. They must be having a bad day.
33.Reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in over a month.
34.Check in with a friend who is going through a rough patch.
35.Sign up to volunteer for a non-profit charity event.
36.Talk to a stranger on the elevator and say something nice. I had a woman come up to me saying I looked nice. I wasn’t even dressed nicely. That made my day. Simple things can really affect someone’s day.
37.Leave the public or office restroom nicer than when you entered. Or your WFH bathroom if the others are a stretch. Clean up water spills on the sink counter and throw away paper towels that didn’t make the trash bin.
38.Instead of getting angry with someone who cuts you off the road, refrain and show mercy (when they don’t deserve it).
39.Forgive someone who says something uncalled for. They are hurting. Give them a pass.
40.Forgive someone who ditches you for something unimportant. They are experiencing problems in their life. Give them a pass.
Sometimes it’s easier to be nicer to strangers than people you know. Everyone is a neighbor. Do unto others what you would like done unto you (Golden Rule). That includes your family, friends, and spouse. The ones that matter the most.
By being kind and showing kindness, you are the one that’s rewarded